Based on nothing but what is currently making me laugh about UVic.
Jayden: I am so gonna fail this class bruhBC Transit Bus on Fire: 69 HAHA 100 SLOW
JCO2: yeah but i wish a communication was given like 'power is out
in ELW today'
Qualicum: It's in the messaging queue behind the email to get the
elevator fixed
Sad-History902: my brother in christ you are literally a professor
at the university, is there not a better avenue for you to proceed
on getting this fixed instead of complaining on reddit?!??
Laidlaw-PHYS: At 10:30pm? No.
Sad-History902: wow you're just like us fr...
You Shall Not Pass Without SENG 275
torinnn: there is no war in ba sing se - UVic Emergency Banner:
There is currently no emergency at the University of Victoria.
mystical_warrior: president hall has invited you to petch fountain
vamaret: my faith in humanity is so low, i look both ways before
crossing ring road
thealienchef: pre-register for CA$27.13
solymonster: why do i hear boss music - reading break: why is
reading week only 3 days here? so many other universities have a
week off. - well... uvic is not other universities :') now we can
wait in the comments for the annual laidlaw comment where he says
that reading break is for reading and not for a break from reading
kaosjr: oh my god uvic blocked their own email - - prevented high confidence phish messages
thursdayhem: this outside the sub is a planter, not a garbage bin!
purrmaow: i paid 27$ for this - plate of two protein, two rice,
and smoothie
marethyu25: they stole mystic! - Anyone know what is happening in
mystic market? All the tables and chairs from the main area are
missing and it is roped off. Even saw someone who was studying
near the taco bar get kicked out by a food service employee saying
essentially 'due to limited tables today, paying customers have
munch-eater9120: cookie shrinkflation - small cookies, same price
mir0mir0: giving tuesday - am i doing this right? - donating $0.50
with 'i work in a fast food restaurant, and it is all i can spare
at the moment' as a donation comment
badwithnames14: at least your're smarter than this driver - driver
driving the wrong way on ring road (a one way road)
externalreaction3707: what is your uvic red flag? what is your
uvic red flag? especially if you work there. how do you deal?
Ectris: Stick it to The Man. You're a strong, independent, SENG
student, and you don't need no LillAnne Jackson telling you what
to do.
Campus is open on Thursday, Jan. 18th, 2024.
Mystic: what a wonderful collection we have now
UVic Dumpster Fire
NegotiationBig4567: I disagree. In opposition, I shall start a
club, where the main premise is to sprint between classes on your
bike as fast as possible. People can choose which side of this
democracy they would like to be on: a cool club with nice calves
(your calves double in size upon membership), or the haters who
want to impose more laws on the freedom of our cardiovascular
health. We will be anonymous in name, but members shall be seen as
the top of their classes from the extra study time gained through
a shorter intra-class commute. Pros? Better grades, improved
cardiovascular health, calves that make people swoon, pedestrians
with better personal awareness as they will need it to survive the
new normal with cyclists taking over. Cons? None, unless you're a
hater. I'll take my downvotes right here please->
... specifically, the vents. There are a bunch of roughly 8"
diameter holes in the floor that are usually covered by plastic
vent covers. The vent covers are adjustible, on the theory that
ventilation best comes from the floor. Anyways, a number of them
are broken. One in the corner has had caution tape on the chair
since summer 2023. Another in the area where the lecturer stands
is covered by a little portable table. Another, about 3 rows up
from the document cameras was covered by a "washroom closed" sign.
A sign that gets covered by jackets or obsured by a skateboard
when the room is full of people, writing a PHYS exam or something.
I found out about the last one while picking up exams today.
Normally if I get injured at work it's because I did something
stupid, not because we've got random floor holes that we're not
fixing. All it would take is somebody to go and get some 1/2"
plywood, cut a couple circles, one bigger and one smaller than the
holes, and laminate them together. Pretty? No. Break-your-ankle?
Also no.
UVSS Dumpster Fire
Someone driving the opposite direction of Ring Road on campus.